Modern Syrian Folk Art Dolls | Ayyubid Dynasty in Damascus I Sequined pink buildings
Illustrated and Embroidered by Aida Dalati on Brocade 22 inch Heritage Doll for Women and lifestyle decor
Read MoreModern Syrian Folk Art Dolls | Ayyubid Dynasty in Damascus I Sequined pink buildings
Illustrated and Embroidered by Aida Dalati on Brocade 22 inch Heritage Doll for Women and lifestyle decor
Read MoreImage: Aida Dalati illustration for Umayyad Syrian Dynasty motif. A Handmade Aida and Tulip doll passes through many hands before she is ready for her debut. Her face and limbs are made of organic materials and “she” begins the voyage out of Oregon. Afterwards she arrives at Aida Dalati Atelier in Menlo Park where each face is drawn free style to insure individuality and afterwards the lips and eyes are embroidered. I love embroidering the eyes followed by the lips because only then can the team over in New York dress her.
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